Ads- Image and Product Advertising
I wrote and did creative concepts on these ads while I was at PlanView (1997 through 2003) and Asoma Instruments (1993 through 1997). Most were designed by Danny Johnson of Articulate Design, a really wonderful Austin graphic artist.
Image Ad - For Executives
- A full-page, 4c process ad, which was placed in CIO Magazine, PM Network Magazine, and others.
- This ad is part of a 3-ad series that all use the same format of a large colorful graphic paired with a strong headline. The "quotes" from the various stakeholders in the organizations vary with each ad. And of course, each pain statement that the person has can be solved with PlanView Software.
- The call to action is "visit our website and request a free CD-ROM demo."
- Want to see this in Acrobat format? Click here.
Image Ad #2 - For Executives
The second in the series of ads, above.
Want to see it in Acrobat format? Click here.
Image Ad #3 - For Executives
The second in the series of ads, above.
Want to see it in Acrobat format? Click here.
Software Product Ad - Web Software
- A full-page, 4c process ad. This ad has run several places: PM Network Magazine, in various program guidebooks, journals, etc.
- The message is PlanView's unique 100% web based enterprise software.
- The call to action is, again, call or email for a free CD Demo.
- Want to see it in Acrobat format? Click here.
Software Ad - Image
- A half-page, 4c process ad, which was placed in PM Network Magazine.
- Challenge: To somehow illustrate the idea of work "flowing." The art was derived from the PlanView brochure at the time.
- Click for Acrobat version of ad.
Ad for a Metal Finishing Analyzer
- From my days in the Marketing Department of Asoma Instruments (a company that made elemental analyzers), comes this ad. It was full-page, full-color and appeared in two metal finishing trade publications multiple times.
- Problem: Announce to the products finishing industry that a company we bought and rescued from extinction was back and really going places. Solution: Full color and full page supports the image of a stable and flourishing company. The headline and design are more about image than product.
- That turquoise background was darker in the ad; I got it by scanning in some brushed aluminum.